About the ATI

Our Mission

Our aim is to help provide the highest quality
education for all autistic students. We do this through:

  • Generating and disseminating
    knowledge about pedagogy
  • Provision of state-of-the-art training courses
    for teachers of autistic students,
    school leaders, and other professionals

Our Purpose

The ATI strives to bring together the most
current research in teaching autistic students
to share with classroom teachers and schools.

By embedding the use of evidence-based practices in their classrooms, teachers can feel equipped and empowered to best support their autistic students and to facilitate rich learning experiences. The ATI model ensures teachers are supported in their classrooms via mentoring by highly experienced educators of autistic students. This theory-to-practice collegiate approach is what makes the ATI a uniquely effective training model.

Our Story

The Autism Teaching Institute (ATI) is an initiative that emerged from Western Autistic School (WAS), and broke new ground in the fields of School Education, Teacher Training and Vocational Education in Australia.

The ATI exists as an unincorporated entity under the wider umbrella of Western Autistic School. The ATI was created to deliver specialist training in teaching autistic students with a brief to create systemic change. This occurred in response to a discernable need for specialist training for professionals working with autistic students.